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Embracing Imbolc: A Soulful Coddlewomple with Sacred Breath Mastery

On the 3rd of February 2024, I had the immense pleasure of joining forces with the enchanting Joy Neal of for a Coddlewomple – a purposeful stroll without a clear destination. The mission? To celebrate this year's Imbolc, the Celtic festival marking the first signs of Spring.

In the company of a delightful group of women hailing from Tunbridge Wells and its surrounding areas, we set out on a journey to connect with like-minded souls eager to revel in the awakening of Spring while immersing ourselves in the therapeutic embrace of woodlands and Mother Nature. Under Joy's skilful guidance we traversed fields and woodlands in a dance of shared energy and celebration.

The Art of Silence and Reflection

The stroll unfolded with a 20-minute silent walk, a poignant opportunity for introspection and communion with nature. This intentional period of hushed footsteps served as a natural prescription, quieting our minds and allowing for a profound reflection on the imminent changes in the natural landscape as another season unfurls before us. Joy, with her expertise in facilitating circles, then led us through a meditative, restorative journey – a fusion of silence, conversation, laughter, and connection.

Nature's Melodic Symphony

Our joyous journey was underscored by a soundtrack composed of jubilation from a nearby football match, the trickling of water, the crunching of leaves, the squelching of mud, and the harmonious symphony of birdsong. This melodic backdrop seamlessly transitioned into the breathwork sessions that followed, offering a sacred space for introspection and self-discovery.

Breathwork: A Journey Within

Following a heart-opening cup of sacred cacao, we embarked on a brief yet powerful Sacred Breath Mastery breathwork session, inviting each participant to explore the depths of their being in this sacred and beautiful journey with self. Guided by the rhythmic cadence of our breath we released tensions, and tapped into the ancient wisdom of our own bodies. It was a transformative experience, weaving a tapestry of connection between ourselves and the essence of life.

A Rich Tapestry of Soul-Nurturing Experiences

The rich tapestry of our stroll comprised art, poetry, herbology, and a myriad of other soul-nurturing experiences. As we engaged in the creative expressions inspired by the surrounding beauty, we felt an intimate connection not only with each other but with the very spirit of Imbolc – a celebration of life, growth, and renewal.

Carrying the Essence Forward

As we carry the essence of this day forward, may it serve as a reminder to embrace the beauty in each moment and continue our journey with purpose and joy. Our Coddlewomple was more than a walk; it was a celebration of life, a communion with nature, and a weaving of profound energies that surround us. May the echoes of our shared laughter, the whispers of the wind, and the rhythm of our breath linger in our hearts, guiding us on this continuous journey of self-discovery and connection.

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