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Breathwork is generally safe and beneficial for most people, but there are certain contraindications or situations in which it may not be suitable. It's essential to be aware of these contraindications to ensure the safety and well-being of participants. If you're a breathwork practitioner or considering participating in a breathwork session, below are some common contraindications to be mindful of.

  1. Cardiovascular Issues: People with a history of heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), or a recent heart attack should consult their healthcare provider before engaging in breathwork. The increased oxygen intake and deep breathing can affect heart rate and blood pressure.

  2. Respiratory Conditions: Individuals with respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, or acute respiratory infections should approach breathwork cautiously, as it involves deep and rapid breathing that can potentially exacerbate their condition.

  3. Epilepsy: Rapid and deep breathing techniques used in breathwork may trigger seizures in some individuals with epilepsy. If you have epilepsy, consult with a medical professional before participating in breathwork.

  4. Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals should avoid intense breathwork practices, especially those that involve breath retention or hyperventilation. It's crucial to prioritize the safety of both the expectant mother and the unborn child.

  5. Psychiatric Conditions: Breathwork can induce intense emotional and psychological experiences. It may not be suitable for individuals with certain psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or those at risk of dissociation.

  6. Recent Surgeries: Individuals who have undergone recent surgery, particularly abdominal surgery or eye surgery, may need to postpone breathwork sessions to allow their bodies to heal properly.

  7. High Anxiety or Panic Disorders: Breathwork can trigger strong emotional responses. Those with high anxiety or panic disorders may find these sessions overwhelming, so they should consult a healthcare provider or an experienced breathwork practitioner before participating.

  8. Medications: Some medications may interact with breathwork practices. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional if you are taking medications and want to engage in breathwork.

  9. Pacemakers or Implants: Individuals with pacemakers or other electronic implants should be cautious as deep breathing and body movements could potentially interfere with these devices.

  10. Dehydration: It's important to be adequately hydrated before participating in breathwork to prevent potential dizziness or dehydration during the session.

  11. Injury or Physical Limitations: If you have physical injuries or limitations that prevent you from sitting or moving comfortably, you should inform the breathwork facilitator, who can provide suitable accommodations.


Always prioritise safety when engaging in breathwork, and consider consulting with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing medical conditions. Additionally, working with a trained and experienced breathwork practitioner can help ensure that the practice is adapted to your individual needs and circumstances.

Avoid Breathwork;
  1. Near Water: Engaging in breathwork near water, especially bodies of water like lakes, rivers, or oceans, can be dangerous due to the potential for disorientation, loss of balance, or even falling in. Avoid breathwork practices in these environments to ensure safety.

  2. While Driving: It is extremely unsafe to practice breathwork while driving or operating any machinery. Distracted driving can lead to accidents and serious injuries. Always prioritize your safety and the safety of others by refraining from breathwork in these situations.

  3. Using Machinery: Breathwork can alter your state of consciousness and focus. Engaging in breathwork while using heavy machinery or equipment, such as power tools or industrial machinery, is risky and should be avoided to prevent accidents and injuries.

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